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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

9. Discovering ..Something

MOOD----> Alerter than the last post, but still..relaxed.
POST TYPE: FreeStyle.
LISTENING TO - Jal - Aadat

Admittedly, my last post wasn't my usual style, now, was it?

A quick scan (Okay, not exactly a quick scan) down my blog will reveal that I don't have a usual style, actually. I have moods, and I do try to decode my mood and write it down so that you can be warned. I read my friend Sharad's blog ... and I discovered i wasn't actually blogging at all...I mean, look at this.
Okay, I know I don't like conforming to this definition or that, know, If I call it a blog , I need to write something about myself too I guess.
Its a weird and yet, nice time in life when you see so many things you want to do, and so little time.
Its like the past falls off, and the future is a banyan tree I'm standing under.(huh?) I mean there's so much that I can choose from here, and following those choices to their next level, in my mind, is a great pastime right now. Like a little flowchart in my head.
Also known as daydreaming. But seriously. They say youth's imagination is limitless, and the opportunities and chances are here I am.

There's a n-pronged fork in the road - so many options that counting them would be equal to neglecting their value. I see myself in a hundred different versions and roles, each a new person in himself. The trick herein is to select the option that lets you keep the rest. To walk a path, and still have an eye on the other paths, because you didn't love them any less.

And I sit down to think what I've thought a million times over -Is life a mission or a dream?
The answers will take time...for now, the question is enough.

1 comment:

Taru Sneh Jindal said...

yup i too feel that life is a huge banyan tree...with no one can unfold in multiple ways according to the choices we make...what is decided is A leads to B... & C leads to D. but what isnt decided is which route u will walk on... A or C. which is left for u to decide. thats why they say life is a mixture of desiny & free will.& ur as much responsible for how it turns out as is someone up there in the sky.